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Madison Aquarium Gardeners Club members exchange ideas about freshwater planted aquaria. This is where beginners get a good start and experienced hobbyist share discoveries as they follow their curiosity. A good mix.

We're pretty informal. No dues. We are supported by a development grant.  Always welcome voluntary contributions, help build our lending library and pay the pizza delivery guy.

Most of the year we meet once a month. Science House, a quaint white and yellow painted old frame structure in the center of the University of Wisconsin Madison Campus is where we gather. We have a topic, refreshments, Q & A, library check-outs and a small plant exchange. Attendance is between 12 and 16, though our mailing roster is twice this number. It's hard to get the 12 - 16 attendance during summer, with traveling and mowing the lawns being an understandable diversion. So, no regularly scheduled meetings in July and August. However, we're considering mini meetings and home visit aquarium photo shoots.

Want to join? Check with John Glaeser